Friday, October 11, 2013

Science Puppet Plays

During the first quarter we have been studying animal and plant populations in science.  We have examined concepts such as adaptations, ecosystems, conservation, variables, food chains, and life cycles.  We grew plants in our classroom and added aphids to them to track populations.  We also observed populations of fruit flies, daphnia (tiny water critters), and damselfly larvae.  We were able to watch ant behavior though our classroom ant farm.  We even tried (yes, tried- it didn't work so well) to hatch brine shrimp eggs in our room to determine if they were an egg or seed.  It has been a busy few months! 


One of our favorite activities was practicing puppet play scripts about plants and animals, their adaptations, and their habitats.  We created paper bag puppets based on their characters.  And we practiced and practiced and practiced and practiced..... our scripts to improve our fluency and expression.  We then presented our plays to the kindergarten, first, and second grade students to help them learn more about the living things around us!  The students did an awesome job on their plays and telling the younger students about what they learned.  I was such a proud teacher! 

Throughout this unit we learned that animal and plant populations can change due to different variables.  We learned that predator and prey relationships exist.  We also learned we need plants (the producers) for life on earth, and that the sun is the source of all energy.  Life science is so exciting!

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