Friday, May 23, 2014

Read S'more

A big thank you to Mrs. Shekelton, our library/media specialist who organized the Read S'more activities during the month of May.  Students were given a reading log with unique reading challenges (read in a tent, read with a flashlight, and so on) to encourage their reading at home.  Those that returned their logs earned paper s'more pieces to decorate their locker.  On Wednesday, May 21st parents/grandparents were invited to come for the final half hour of the day to read with their students.  Parents had donated ingredients for our s'more snack mix (golden grahams, chocolate chips, and mini-marshmallows) to enjoy while we read.  It was great to see parents, grandparents, and students all enjoying a good book together.  Keep that wonderful reading going over the summer!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Lime Springs/Chester Career Week 2014

Lime Springs/Chester Elementary
Celebrates Career Week

            Preschool through fifth grade students at Lime Spring/Chester Elementary celebrated Career Week from May 5th through May 9th.  Classroom activities and guest speakers were planned to help students start exploring and thinking about occupations they might have in the future. 
            The Lime Springs/Chester PATT (Parent and Teachers Together) group kicked off the week on Monday, May 5th with a visit to each classroom by President Amanda Keller.  Amanda led the kids in several activities to identify different jobs and then read the book I Know I Can to each class and discussed thinking about college and future career plans.  The PATT group also purchased a copy of this book for each student preschool through fifth grade to take home.  

Amanda Keller reads I know I Can with the help of some 4th and 5th Graders
            Classrooms hosted different speakers throughout the week.  Students were asked to consider their strengths, weaknesses, and passions when thinking about future occupations.  Students also blogged and wrote about the different jobs that were presented.  Third grade through fifth grade also explored websites to help them start thinking about their future career choices.  The week culminated on Friday, May 9th, when students could come dressed as their future occupation.  We had a building full of nurses, veterinarians, artists, farmers, football players, astronauts, scientists, and more.

What job would you choose?

Exploring PAWS Job Land
            A big thank you to all of our community members and parents who came into the classrooms to talk about their jobs and answer questions.  The students learned so much! 

Dr. Nancy Goetsch- Veterinarian
Jim Ott- Bus Driver
Dave Fritcher- Farmer
Amanda Keller- Banking/Loans
Abby Smith- Dental Assistant
Kelly Olson Jessen- Post Office
Amy Henry- Banking
Chris Keller- John Deere Implements
Cheryl Brannon- Nurse
Sandy Sullivan- Daycare
Jami Schwickerath- Career Counselor
Shannon Reis- Dairy Farmer
Jaime Anderlik- Cosmetologist
Kim Bentz- Pilot
Jay Burns- Engineer
Christina Gibbs- Nurse
Brett Van Sloten- Iowa Hawkeye Football Player/Signed 
Free Agent with the Baltimore Ravens

First through third grade students with Brett Van Sloten

We are excited to teach all of these future Howard-Winneshiek scientists, engineers, artists, pilots, farmers, and more.  In the words of Dr. Seuss, “You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction that you choose!” 

Kim Bentz speaks about her experiences as a pilot.

Working on Career Activities

Shannon Reis shares about life on a dairy farm.

Cheryl Brannon speaks about her nursing job at Mayo Clinic.

Brett Van Sloten, Former Iowa Hawkeye Player and NFL Draft Hopeful, talks about the importance of education, planning for your future, and following your dreams.
Chris Keller speaks about his responsibilities at Bodensteiner Implement.

 Jami Schwickerath discusses her role as a career counselor.
Kelly Olson Jessen teaches Kindergarteners about the Postal Service.

Jaime Anderlik discusses cosmetology and owning her own business with several classes.
Christina Gibbs shares about her experiences as a nurse.
Students learn more about the banking industry from Amy Henry.
Dr. Nancy Goetsch answers questions about being a vet.

Students sort money!
Dave Fritcher shares about farming with the preschool.

Jim Ott shares information about driving bus with the preschoolers.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

First in Math

Our district has been given an opportunity to explore the First in Math program to help keep kids excited about math.  Students have been given their log-in information (it is taped in their blue take-home folders), and have been using First in Math at school.  They can use it at home also (both on a computer and iPad) to practice their math skills.  It is a self-leveling program, so it will adjust to your students needs.  I encourage you to "check it out" with your child.  Have fun!