Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Global Read Aloud 2016

The BFG Cover

We are excited to be participating in the annual Global Read Aloud Project.  Students from all over the world all spend a six week time period reading aloud the same story.  Classes can collaborate and discuss what they are learning from the book.  This year our class is reading The BFG by Roald Dahl (one of this teacher's favorite authors).  We are loving the book so far and it is allowing us to explore many different reading skills and strategies while we study it.  We are especially practicing our ability to use context clues as the BFG uses a lot of made-up words and phrases.  We are becoming great detectives in figuring out what the words really mean!

Today we participated in a Mystery Skype with another third grade classroom who is also reading The BFG.  We used maps and yes and no questions to figure out where they were located in the United States.  We were able to determine their state in less than ten questions, so we were excited!  They are from Maine and we are looking forward to connecting with them again to talk about the book.  It is awesome to know that we are reading the same story as thousands of other classrooms all over the world!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Fall Fitness Day 2016

Today as part of the Live healthy initiative we participated in our annual fall fitness day. Students were challenged to walk and/or run laps on our elementary walking track. We set aside a half hour to complete this, but many students also chose to log laps at recess too.  Students received a punch on their yellow mileage card for each lap completed. Students earned a foot charm for their walking necklaces after completing four laps which was our class goal.  For each additional lap completed they earned another small foot charm.  We even had one student run 20 laps. We also awarded a large foot charm to the top nine students who all completed over 10 laps. Way to go third-graders! Enjoy the pictures below.