We have been enjoying our unit on plant and animal populations. It has been awesome to examine the ants, fruit flies, aphids, ladybugs, daphnia, and damselfly larvae that have arrived in our classroom. Our ants are starting to tunnel and move some ground around in our classroom ant farm. We have also even busy keeping track of our fruit fly populations their vials.
Some of the important concepts/words we have been discussing include...
predator & prey
carnivore, omnivore, & herbivore
food chains
life cycles
Today we enjoyed a visit from Angela, the Howard County Naturalist. She taught us more about insects and tomorrow we will enjoy blogging about some of the things we learned from her on our KidBlog accounts. Thank you Angela for sharing your knowledge with us.
We also welcomed Cale's pet hamsters to our classroom for a short stay. They were just born this fall and we are hoping to make some connections to our science studies by observing them during this next week. Thank you Cale for sharing them with us and being our hamster expert!
We will soon be starting our research project for this unit which will involve making a short video about a wild animal of our choice that teaches others about the concepts we have learned. Life science is awesome!