The year is already flying
by! The third graders have been working
hard and are settling into routine! This
week we kicked off our third grade word study (spelling) curriculum with the
review of short vowels. Each week we
will focus on learning and reviewing helpful spelling patterns and
generalizations, with the goal of students transferring this knowledge to their
own writing.
All third graders will not
being having a “traditional” Friday spelling test. As a district we have been studying best
research in reading and writing instruction because of the frustration of
students memorizing words for Friday, but forgetting how to spell them the next
week. Instead we will focus on other
research-based strategies to help students become effective spellers in their
I will include information
about our weekly spelling focus on the weekly calendar sheet that comes home in
the back sleeve of your child’s blue folder each Monday. This will help you review the spelling
patterns we are learning with your child at home. You can also work with your
child to brainstorm and practice additional words that follow this same
pattern. At school we will work with the
patterns daily, and also assess each students’ word study knowledge in their
own independent writing (where it really counts!).
Each student will be given a
username and password that they can use online at Spelling City. Their
username and password will be written inside their blue take-home folder for
easy access. I will upload words that match
our weekly pattern to this site, and it is a great way for students to practice
their spelling. They can access this
site online at
and/or download the iPad app for use at
home also. I really encourage you to
take advantage of this great resource!