Thursday, August 28, 2014

Scientists in Action!

The year is off to a great start.  Our first unit in science focuses on animal and plant populations.  The kids and I are excited to explore this topic!  We began with a vial of tiny, brown items and the question- Is it a seed or an egg?  Students created a hypothesis and we designed an experiment to hopefully find the answer to our question.  We will be carefully observing our vials daily.  We have also began examining different types of seeds and will be growing several different ones in our classroom.  On Wednesday of this week we enjoyed a "field trip" to our school's butterfly garden where we quietly took some time to observe what plants and animals were living there.  Wow!  Living things are all around us and it was fun to talk about what we saw and recorded on our observation sheets.  Below are some pictures from our science class in the butterfly garden.  We love science!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Welcome to a New Year!

New Classroom, New Faces, New Friends......

Wow!  There is a lot of "New" this year including for myself as a teacher.  With the school redesign, we have many new friends in our classroom.  We are off to a wonderful start.  It is hard to believe that we already have two days under our belts.  We have spent a lot of time this first week getting to know each other and learning classroom routines.  This will continue in the next few weeks because it is very true that in education it is important to start slow to go fast later!

Excited Bloggers!

This week we also began our careers as "Bloggers"!  We will be using a kid safe blogging account called Kid Blog, and we encourage everyone to check it out.  Blogging is a great way to get kids excited about writing and expressing themselves.  It is always nice to have an audience.  Feel free to leave a comment or two.....